On Thursday March 6th IHEARTCOMIX acted as the catalyst for the collision of three different worlds of alt rap. Crowds of party goers mixed of Post Punk Hypebeasts, LGBT dressed in the most creative drag outfits you’ve ever seen and people generally looking to party converged onto Los Globos Nightclub in Silverlake, Los Angeles for a night that would prove itself to be like nothing we have seen in this city for some time.
The first group to take the stage was Los Angeles up and coming quintet Ratchet Set. Made up of Asia Dee, David Romo, Pop Prince Dakkar & locally infamous party thrower Adam Weiss. Ratchet Set is making a name for itself in a most interesting way. Just as soon as they hit the stage everything was just as quickly flipped upside down and turned a crowd of skeptics into believers notably with their signature songs “Beat It & Delete It” & “Bugatti.”
Dj Automaton, Portland native & formerly of Swan Angel fame provided the soundtrack of the night taking a break from the heavier bass jams meshing what she is known for. Her ability to take the listener through an audio journey from classic Hip Hop to late 90’s sound and leave them where she picked them up with current songs.
The second artist to take the stage was co-headliner, the incomparable Ms. Brooke Candy. Brooke is just making major waves in the industry due to her highly sexualized lyrics & eye molesting outfits. She was noticed on a large scale after appearing in legendary (depending on who you ask) artist Grimes music video for Genesis. If you aren’t familiar with her there are three things you should have in mind. Sex, Sex and Sex. She wields her sexuality like a double edged sword ready to nick a naysayers head off. Brooke Candy is a woman who is doing more than taking charge in the rap game; she’s kidnapping you, taking you home and making you lick her boots. And guess what? You like it.
Closing out the show was main headliner, New York Native/Poet/Performance Artist who raps under the persona Mykki Blanco. Performing songs from his/her latest & first full length tape Cosmic Angel: The Illuminati Prince/ss. Early into the performance there was a bit of commotion due to an unknown person backstage heaving bananas at Mykki. None the less that didn’t stop The Illuminati Prince/Princess from going on and doing a killer set. Towards the end of his/her set Mykki Blanco cut the backing track and had the audience beatbox his/her music.
This show was definitely one for the books! To see rest of the photos click here.
-Eric Estrada
All photos taken by Tania Espat & Eric Estrada.