Boora: The Art Of 10 Seconds (Part Two)

By | July 15, 2013 at 12:59 pm | No comments | Albums, MUSIC, New Releases | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Artist: Boora
Album: The Art Of 10 Seconds (Part Two)
Released: July 6, 2013

Released by Blunted Astronaut Records, Boora- The Art of 10 seconds (Part Two) hits the airwaves with as much urgency as the title suggests, leaving prisms of resounding ’60s and ’70s Soviet jazz archives in the air, and leaving the listener to pick up each contributing piece of the puzzle. Lasting for a duration of sixteen minutes, the beat compilation takes us on a journey that features obscure movie dialogues, as well as rare sounds from the Russian label Melodiya.

Made solely on the legendary sampler E-MU SP 1200, “The Art of 10 seconds” offers us a rare, raw sound reminiscent of something that could be released by Stones Throw Records (think Quasimoto or Madlib), yet based on 70s jazz straight from the Soviet Union itself. Count Russian dialogue, movie scenes, and bizarre-sounding vocal recordings amongst those in this musical journey and definitely take your imagination along for the ride. A couple of blank freestyle tapes or notepads wouldn’t hurt either.

Look out for Boora’s full-length vinyl project set to release later this year on Blunted Astronaut Records.

-Leslie Dizon (Big L)

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