Bucketfeet is very excited to announce the release of their first collaboration with a female artist and guess what…she’s a California girl! Meryl Rose-phillips is an Oakland native who truly believes in the power of art and how it evokes so many different emotions and interpretations in all who view it. Her facination with the kaleidoscope and the shapes seen when looking through it is the inspiration behind the CTCM. As an artist, she loves the contrast black and white has when blended with other bright colors, aqua was the choice for this particular release. The two lace up models are perfect for spring and the classic silhouettes put together with shorts, chinos, or jeans will make your outfit combo complete. Help support Meryl so she can continue to develop as an artist and share what she learns with more people. Also, if you tell her how much you like her art by tweeting @bucketfeet #Meryl, you’ll recieve 20% off your next purchase….what a great incentive and way to give back. Thanks Bucketfeet! These are SOLE LUVA Approved.