Portraits Using People by Craig Alan

By | November 30, 2012 at 4:38 am | No comments | PHOTOGRAPHY, Photography | Tags: ,

Craig Alan is a photographer/artist born in San Bernardino, California who found his true talents when he moved to New Orleans as a child that would help spark his visual imagination. Artist Craig Alan recreates famous iconic photographs with unique giant portraits using aerial photography to capture wonderful images of each piece. Similar to pixels, gatherings of people create these intricately composed portraits. Among some of the portraits recaptured are of the late Elvis Presley, Lucille Ball, Michael Jackson, and Marilyn Monroe. Most of the people used to create this project are outfitted in dark clothing to contrast easily with the stark white ground used as the back drop. Select areas use color to create a differentiation where the lips are. This massive project changes portrait art on a grand scale Craig’s works, which demonstrate a broad knowledge and appreciation of the human form as well as the colorful world these beings occupy. Much of his artwork combines his skills into elaborate textures, hues and compositions revealing a technical sophistication as well as an elaborate imagination.

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