Subway Photography by Nick Frank

By | December 12, 2012 at 11:01 am | No comments | PHOTOGRAPHY, Photography | Tags: , ,

Nick Frank is a photographer born in Munich, Germany who has a talented eye for precision photography. His views about his photography he explains is about self-discovery and finding something new or to interpret it differently. He enjoys changing the point of view, leaving the rhythm and the usual paths that’s about time, places, moments, but also technology. For his subway series Nick silently stalks the city’s subway stations, waiting for the perfect silent moment. When the passengers have departed and the trains are rumbling elsewhere, Frank captures the empty stations in artful compositions. All of Franks works show a strong contrast of color accents, where bright, basic colors stand out amongst the quiet, neutral darkness beyond that keep people’s eyes glued to his artwork. For more of his artwork checkout his website where you can uncover the rest.

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